
    Nicolas Lewin
    • JD Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2006), two votes of distinction.
    • Competition Law Diploma, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2009).
    • LLM in Global Competition Law, Loyola University Chicago (2015).
    • Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies de Loyola University Chicago.
    Spanish & English

    Develops his practice mainly in Antitrust / Competition Law, including investigations by the Chilean Competition Agency (Fiscalía Nacional Económica) or other Latin America Competition Agencies, and litigation before the Chilean Competition Tribunal (Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia). In relation to investigations and litigation, he has relevant experience in cases of cartels and concerted practices, abuse of dominance, unfair competition, and damages actions based on competition law infringements.

    He has advised clients in relation to merger control, on voluntary and mandatory filings among the competition agency, as in challenged transactions. On the other hand, he has given permanent advice to companies, boards and shareholders in relation to competition matters, developing compliance programs and advising on mitigations measures to reduce exposure to competition law risks.

    His experience in this field includes sectors such as retail and consumer goods, automotive, pharmaceutical, real estate, financial entities, insurance, freight and passenger transportation, tourism, public infrastructure and public procurement, agriculture, among others.

    He has been recognized as a leading lawyer in Competition Law by Chambers and Partners Latin-America since 2011 until today, and by Latin Lawyer, Global Competition Review and Global Competition 100, Who’s Who Legal, Leader’s League and Legal 500. He was awarded with the Luis Gutierrez Alliende Award granted to the best students of his generation in the field of commercial and economic Law at Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.

    Nicolas is author and co-author of several publications related to Competition Law and Antitrust. And he has been a panelist in different seminars on this field.

    On other matters, he has experience in corporate matters, in general, and related to merger and acquisitions. He serves and has served as a board member of corporations supervised by the Chilean Security and Exchange Commission and subsidiaries of publicly traded companies related to retail, financial services and real estates. Finally, he has relevant experience in taxation, estate and trust law and family business.

    • Doctor of Law, Universidad de Chile, (2016).
    • Universidad de Concepción, L.C.J.S., (2001).
    English, Spanish & French

    Concentrates his practice in antitrust / competition law issues and regulatory matters, including the design and implementation of regulatory compliance policies and dealing with adversarial and non-adversarial matters before competition authorities and other regulators.

    He worked for more than ten years at the Chilean Competition Agency (Fiscalía Nacional Económica), where he led interdisciplinary teams on compliance, especially in the field of prevention and detection of bid rigging in public procurement. Between 2008 and 2013 he was in charge of the International Area of the Agency and as a Senior Lawyer he managed leniency submissions by companies in cartel cases.

    He has been a guest speaker in academic and professional fields and has worked as a professor and academic researcher in Chile and abroad. He has authored legal opinions in support of a party’s position in a trial and out of trial as well. He has been involved in different areas of regulation and competition policy and law and has served as a contact and adviser in matters of integrity and fraud prevention in public procurement, international affairs related to competition policy, business matters and corporate compliance.

    In the litigation field, at the beginning of his career, he represented the Internal Revenue Service in litigation and, more recently, he co-sponsored the first antitrust private damages action ever submitted before the Chilean Competition Tribunal.

    He has been recognized by The Legal 500 Recommended Lawyer 2017.

    Juan Pablo Riesco
    • JD Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2010).
    • Competition Law Diploma, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile(2013).
    • LLM in Regulatory Law (highest distinction), Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2019).
    • Negotiation (mention in Mediation) Diploma, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2021).
    Español e Inglés

    His practice focuses mainly on judicial and arbitration matters, assuming the defense of important national and foreign clients in civil and commercial matters, with experience also in bankruptcy, insolvency proceedings and alternative dispute resolution methods.

    He also has more than 10 years of experience in public law matters, with expertise in regulatory matters, contracting and administrative concessions, sanctioning procedures and public policy in general, as well as extensive experience in litigation before the Public Administration, the Comptroller General of the Republic, the Superior Courts of Justice and the Constitutional Court.

    Juan Pablo has advised multiple private companies and trade associations in disputes with the State, particularly in regulatory and public-private partnership matters, as well as a wide range of public entities and State-owned companies.

    Since 2023, he has been a member of the list of arbitrator judges of the Santiago Court of Appeals. In 2023, he was incorporated to the list of Mediators of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce. Since 2021, he has also been included in the list of Mediators with Private Health Care Providers of the Superintendence of Health. And since 2023, he is part of the Registry of Arbitration Judges of the Ministry of Urbanism in operational leasing subsidies matters.

    Before joining Estudio Lewin, Juan Pablo worked in the Litigation and Arbitration area of Eyzaguirre y Compañía and, later, in the Litigation and Arbitration area of Prieto Abogados.

    • J.D. Universidad de Chile (2016).
    Spanish & English

    His practice is concentrated in Antitrust/Competition Law and regulatory issues, specially on abuses of dominant position cases, joint ventures analysis and digital markets studies.

    Manuel worked as paralegal for more than 3 years at the Antimonopoly Division (former Unilateral Abuses Division) of the Chilean Competition Agency (Fiscalía Nacional Económica). At the same time, since 2017 Manuel is a research assistant of the Competition and Regulation Center (RegCom) of the University of Chile’s Law School.

    He has developed academic activities working as research assistant on the courses of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Public Law and State Liability, and on the postgraduate courses of Competition Law and Policy and Regulation and Public Law, organized by RegCom. Manuel has published opinion columns on Competition Law and digital markets, and a paper on Antitrust and Net Neutrality.

    • Commercial Engineering, Universidad del Desarrollo.
    Español e Inglés

    Commercial Engineer, currently a partner of Natori S.A., with 5 years of experience in administration and finance. Has experience and academic training in areas such as; Investment Management and Capital Markets, Analysis of Financial Statements and entrepreneurship programs.

    She has been interested in university teaching programs, such as assistantships in Finance I, Finance II, Economy III and Tax Law.

    In addition to being in charge of the administration of the firm, Laura supports specific requirements of our lawyers in their areas of knowledge.