- J.D. Universidad de Chile (2016).
His practice is concentrated in Antitrust/Competition Law and regulatory issues, specially on abuses of dominant position cases, joint ventures analysis and digital markets studies.
Manuel worked as paralegal for more than 3 years at the Antimonopoly Division (former Unilateral Abuses Division) of the Chilean Competition Agency (Fiscalía Nacional Económica). At the same time, since 2017 Manuel is a research assistant of the Competition and Regulation Center (RegCom) of the University of Chile’s Law School.
He has developed academic activities working as research assistant on the courses of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Public Law and State Liability, and on the postgraduate courses of Competition Law and Policy and Regulation and Public Law, organized by RegCom. Manuel has published opinion columns on Competition Law and digital markets, and a paper on Antitrust and Net Neutrality.